7 Ways to Encourage your Guests to Use your Wedding Hashtag

From celebrity weddings to royal affairs, in this era of social media, everything seems to be happening right within the lengths and breadths of our phone’s screen.  After all, why not! Digital trends have become an integral part of the planning and execution process of all major events of our lives (Minor too, well!). Thus, […]

4 minute read

A Social Media Guide For Wedding Planners

Event Organizers, especially the wedding planners have a kind of love-hate relationship with social media. On one hand, where social media channels like Facebook and Instagram provide free and popular platforms to showcase wedding stories and moments, at the same time, on the other hand, exploiting the most out of social media, that too efficiently, […]

7 minute read

How to Use Social Media for Your Wedding Day

The relevance of social media has risen in the wedding industry significantly. Brides cutting images and ideas from magazines and journals and saving them to get an exact match from their wedding vendor is the talk of yesterday. To add to this, brides also hunted down their wedding organizer earlier only by word of mouth […]

5 minute read

The Best Way to Display Photos in Weddings Using Social Walls

We all can agree on the fact that social media has been very well integrated into our day-to-day lives. It has become a primary way to share photos and memories with our loved ones. Wedding culture is not left unaffected by these norms of the modern world. Technology has changed the way we interact with our weddings. […]

5 minute read

The Ultimate Guide to choosing a perfect Hashtag for your Wedding

You are almost done with your preparations. But you are in dilemma on what hashtag would be best for your Social Media posting. With our guide, you would be able to create a perfect custom wedding hashtag! As social media becomes more and more a part of our lives, there are numerous ways through which […]

5 minute read