Content Play
Go to Taggbox Dashboard
You will see three tabs; these are My Walls, Content Play and Account.
Now Click on Content Play Tab.
You will see a Content Play Editor. Like this:
In this Content Play Editor, you can select, add, delete any Scene and can add & edit your Items.
Create Scenes
How to Create Scenes?
Now it’s time to select a Scene, Open Content Play Editor.
In the left side of Content Play Editor, you will see a Scene Sidebar such as Scene 1, Scene 2, Add Scenes…
You will see two by default Scenes, name as Scene 1 (Vertical) and Scene 2 (Full Screen).
Select any scene to add items as per your requirement.
Add Scene
You can also add more scenes according to you. Click ADD SCENES (Bottom of Left Corner).
Choose a Layout as per your need. Choose Full Screen, Horizontal Split or Vertical Split.
And Click Choose Layout.
After Clicking Choose Layout, it will be added onto your Scenes Sidebar.
Delete Scene
Delete a Scene from Scenes Sidebar. Click Delete Icon on any Particular Scene.
A confirmation pop-up will appear. Like this:
Are you sure? Select Yes to Delete or No to Cancel.
Drag Scene (Up-Down)
Click on any scene and Hold the cursor, drag and drop it where you want to place in Scenes Sidebar.
Example: You want to drag your Scene 1 under Scene 2. Click on Scene 1 and hold your cursor and drag it to down side and drop it under Scene 2. It is as simple as moving a document into a folder on your computer. Just Drag and Drop.
How to Add Items?
It’s time to add items on your Scenes. Items are your content, in which you can add any kind of content like video, images, walls etc.
Add Items
As an Item, you can add your Social Wall, Any URL or Link, Image, YouTube and Vimeo Video on your Scene and display on screen.
Select a scene where you want to add Items.
Add Items on Vertical Screen-
Add items to Vertical Slide. Vertical Screen is divided into two parts; one is left Slide and another one is right slide. You can add items in both parts in the same way.
On Vertical Screen, you can run two types of content (Content can be URL, Social Wall, Image or Video) vertically (Left and Right) at the same time.
Click Add Item,
Select your Item types such as Social Wall, URL, Image or Video. You can also add multiple items.
Similarly, add an item on Right Side.
Let’s take an example, add your social wall on the left side and Add video on the right side. Like this:
Now, Click Display Button to Publish.
After Publishing, it will look like this:
Add Items on Horizontal Screen-
Add items to Horizontal Slide. Horizontal Screen is also divided into two parts; one is top and other one is bottom. You can add items in both parts in the same way.
On Horizontal Screen, you can run two types of content (Content can be Link, Social Wall, Image or Video) horizontally (Top and Bottom) at the same time.
Click Add Item,
Select your Item types such as Social Wall, URL, Image or Video. You can also add multiple items.
Similarly, add an item on Bottom Slide.
Let’s take an example, add your social wall on the Top frame and Add video on the bottom frame. Like this:
Click Display Button to Publish.
After Publishing, it will look like this:
Add Items on Full Screen-
Add items on Full Screen. If you don’t want to use vertical and horizontal Slides then you can display your content on a full screen. On that full screen, you can show your multiple social walls, videos, images, and URLs one after one.
Click Add Items,
Select your Item types such as Social Wall, URL, Image or Video. You can also add multiple items.
Click Display Button to Publish.
After Publishing, it will look like this (Full Screen with Social Wall):
Add Multiple Items
You can add multiple items on your slides. These items will be displayed one after one according to their individual time duration.
Delete Item
Delete an individual item. Click Delete Icon on any Particular Item to delete.
A confirmation pop-up will appear. Like this:
Confirm Delete? Select Continue to delete or Cancel to keep it.
Item Time
Set your item time. How long you want to display item on Screen, you can set it according to you. You can limit or set time duration for every Item. After finishing time duration of one item, the next item will display automatically.
Item Height-Width
Set Height for Horizontal Scene –
Horizontal Scene allows you, to customize their height. You can change top and bottom frame height according to you. You can do it from here:
Set Width for Vertical Scene –
Vertical Scene allows you, to customize their width. You can change right and left frame width according to you. You can do it from here:
Drag Items
Change Sequence of Items. Click any item and Hold the cursor then drag and drop it where you want to place.
If you have any questions please Contact us or write us at [email protected].