How to Add Announcements/Sponsorship Space on your Social Wall?

Announcement Post

An announcement is a feature of Social Wall on Taggbox, where you can show your brand content, sponsors logo, Images, News, offers and any kind of announcement on your live Social Wall. You need to create an announcements post manually to display on your wall; add announcement image, content, start time, end time, pop-up time duration to create an announcement.

Create an Announcement

Follow steps below to Create and Add an Announcement:

Step 1. Log on to your Taggbox account and navigate to your wall editor.

Step 2. Click on More (You will find it on the left-hand side of the page) –

More & Apps

Step 3. Now Select Full-Screen Announcements option –

Full Announcement

Step 4. You will see an Announcement Popup. To Create an Announcement Post, click on the +Add New button.

Add Announcement

Step 5. Now Add your Announcement. Fill all the details such as Announcement Image, Content, Start Date, End Date, and Time Duration.

Edit Announcement

Step 6. Click Select Image and upload an image from your desktop such as Sponsors Image.

Select Images

Step 7. Write Content for your Announcement in Content box.


Step 8. Choose Start Date & Time for your announcement.

Start Date

Step 9. Choose End Date & Time. Check the box to choose your End time for your announcement. If you don’t want to choose End Time, then leave the box unchecked.

End Date

Step 10. Choose Pop-up Time Duration. You can select your Announcement cycle time for Every. Set time for 1 Mint, 3 Mints, 5 Mints, 10 Mints, 30 Mints and once, as per your need.

Time Interval

Step 11. Done, Now Click +Add Announcement to finish.

Create Announcement

Example Post. It will look like this:

Sponsors Image

Watch Video

If you face any additional issue then please feel free to contact us at [email protected].