How to Add Vimeo feeds?

To Add Vimeo Feed on websites, you’ll need to follow these simple steps –

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Follow these steps to Add Vimeo Content:


Login or Sign-Up to Taggbox Widget

Add Vimeo Feeds


You will be redirected to Taggbox Widget Dashboard

Taggbox Widget


On the dashboard, click on Add Social Feeds to start adding Vimeo Feed on your widget.

Add Vimeo Feeds


On the new Dialog Box “Pick a source” select Vimeo as your source of aggregating feeds:

Choose Vimeo to Embed Vimeo Feeds


Here, you will see two choices for aggregating feeds which are:

1. Hashtag (#): Enter the Hashtag to fetch Vimeo feeds from the Hashtag.

Add Vimeo Hashtag Feeds

2. Handle(@): Enter Vimeo Handle into the input box to fetch Vimeo feeds from the Handle.

Embed Vimeo Handle Feed

Tip: To choose relevant feeds manually enable Moderation on the Network by selecting the checkbox “Manually approve posts before making them public”.


Choose the aggregating method and enter the input accordingly.

Then click “Create Feed” button to complete the adding process. Finally, authorize Taggbox Widget to aggregate feeds by connecting vimeo account with the widget.

Connect Vimeo Account

Great, the connection is created and within a few moments posts will appear into the Widget editor (as shown below).

Add Vimeo Feed Video

Kudos! You have successfully added Vimeo video feeds on the editor.

Try Taggbox Widget To Embed Vimeo Widget – Start Your 14 Days Free Trial

If you have any questions regarding creating or adding connections please Contact us or write us at [email protected].