Create a Twitter Wall in the Taggbox Display Dashboard
After Login, You will see your Dashboard. Like This:

After Login, On the Taggbox Display Dashboard Click on My Walls
Click on Create Wall Then, give a name to your wall. A Unique URL of your wall will be created automatically according to your wall name. You can also change it according to you.
To enable Profanity Filter select Apply Profanity Filter. Then, click “Create Wall“.
Add Twitter Feed
Follow these steps to Add Twitter Feed:
- After clicking on create wall you will see A Popup with Title Pick a source
2. Click on twitter icon to add Twitter feed into twitter wall.
Aftter Clicking on Twitter icon you will see a popup with title Create Twitter Feed
Choose one of the following to create twitter feed:
- Hash Tag (#): Enter your Hashtag in the box and collect all your Hashtag embedded feeds of Twitter.
Aftter inserting hashtag you can choose post options as
i) Tweets with multipal photos
ii)Exclude Retweets with perticuler hashtag
iii) mannually approve post with making thme public in twitter feed.
2. Handle (@): Enter your Twitter user Handle and collect all feeds.
3. Mention: To collect mentions on twitter for your brands twitter handle enter your brand handle and create feed.
4. List: You can also collect feeds of list as well; just enter the Twitter Handle or username and List Name.
5. Favorites: You can collect Twitter Feeds of your Favorites; just use their Twitter Handle.
6. Advanced: You can use Advance option to get feeds via search query. Fill your query in the box and collect feeds.
You can Create Advance search terms Like
A) Keywords
B) Questions
C) Users
D) Location
E) Content
F) Date
To enable Moderation on the connection select “Manually approve posts before making them public”.
To Add Multiple Photos and Exclude Retweets on the connection select “Add Multiple Photos” and “Exclude Retweets”.
Then click “Create Feed” button to complete adding.
Then provide the Login Credentials for the Social Network and Sign In. (Login Credentials are required for most connections).
The Connection has been created and within few moments.
Moderate Your Twitter Wall
To Moderate your wall and filter post form collected feed go to sidebar and click on Moderation
- After Entering Moderation you will see this Screen.
If you can’t find any post here there can be two possibalities
- You feed you have create have no post yet
- while creating feed you have checked mannually approve posts before making them public.
In this case click on button named with private on top bar of page
Once you click on Private you going to see all posts collect in your twitter feed.
Here you can selecte posts you want to show in your twitter wall.
2. Auto Moderation: If you dont want to filter posts mannually you can choose auto moderation from sidebar menu.
after clicking on auto you will see a popup
Here you can filter posts by
A) Handle
B) Hashtag
C) By Words
Read More: How to Moderate Taggbox Twitter Wall.
Personalize Your Twitter Wall
After Creating feed and Moderating Posts you can personalize you Social feed as Per Your Brand Identity to Make a batter Impact on your audiecne.
To Personalize Your Twitter wall Follow these Steps
- Go to Sidebar menu and click on Personalize
- After Clicking on Personalize you will see a popup On screen with Title Personalize Wall
Here you will 5 Options to personalize Your Wall
- Themes: Choose from our responsive themes which can fit any screen.
- Background: Personalize Wall background as per your branding
- banner: Add banner to Get attnetion fro your wall.
- Card Style: Cutumize colors and style for your post cards.
- Theme Setting: Advance Options to make your wall more personalized.
Read our article on custumization to learn more about taggbox personalize feature.
Publish Twitter Wall
Now it’s time to Publish your Twitter Wall.
To Publish your Twitter wall Go to the Botom section Below the sidebar Menu Click on display
Here you see 3 Options
- Display Wall On Projector/ TV
- Integrate with Digital Signage
- Embed In Virtual Event
You can choose your option and follow given steps to display your social wall.
If you have any questions regarding creating or adding connections please Contact us or write us at [email protected].