Taggbox Social Media Wall For Retail Industry

Grab audience attention, build trust, engage them, & boost sales with stunning social media walls

Create & Display Result-Driven Social Media Walls

Taggbox social wall for retail industry helps you to publish powerful & engaging campaigns especially powered by user-generated content

Curate Valuable Social Media Content

Curate Valuable Social Media Content

Allow the virtual event attendees and audiences to share their ideas, opinions, and feedback in real-time and display it with a dynamic & responsive ticker on your Live streaming screen

Design Compelling Social Media Walls/Feeds

Design Compelling Social Media Walls/Feeds

Use advanced moderation to filter the premium quality most relevant content from the haystack that meets your purpose.

Customization features to personalize your UGC ads with creative branding elements, themes, design attributes, layouts, CTAs, & much more

Publish Social Walls Across Retail Channels

Publish Social Walls Across Retail Channels

Publish your campaigns easily and effortlessly on any digital channel like website, digital signages, & many more from a single platform in minutes

With easy & hassle-free publishing across channels, reach out to your audience and engage them with authentic & powerful content to drive conversions

Solutions That Convert Users’ Content Into Brand Trust & Success

The Best UGC Platform To Create Authentic & Result-Driven UGC Marketing Campaigns Across Channels

Create and embed your social media feeds on your website to build social proof, showcase positive word of mouth, boost dwell time with engagement, & improve your conversion rate
Display creative & attention-grabbing user-generated content along with promotional content on signages across public hubs, shopping centers, etc to attract leads & new customers to your brand
Create retail social walls along with your product galleries and display them on in-store activations & displays to build trust, strengthen purchase intention, & upsell products
Make your email campaigns more trustworthy, clickable, authentic, & relatable for the audiences with your brand's UGC to boost open rate & email click-through rate
Leverage engaging visual UGC or reviews in your social or digital paid ads to improve user engagement, generate traffic, & increase returns on investments

Get More Out Of Your Retail Social Media Walls

A diverse hub of features that will help you magnify your brand growth to new possibilities

Creative Content Play

Creative Content Play

Display engaging & exciting content such as videos, images, URLs, & more along with your social media wall in a split-screen view to make your social wall more interactive, informative, & creative.

Grow Sales With Shoppable UGC

Grow Sales With Shoppable UGC

Convert User-generated content into shoppable content by tagging products & displaying them as shoppable social walls to merge the point of inspiration into point of sale and increase your eCommerce sales & revenue

Analytics & Gamification Possibilities

Analytics & Gamification Possibilities

Gain insights into sentiments, active users, impressions, clicks, views, & much more to track growth, make conclusions, & take better decisions. Also, create gamified experiences using analytics for better engagement & results

Own Users' Content

Own Users' Content

Get safety against users' data privacy policies by getting content rights directly from the users and leverage User-generated content beyond the marketing ecosystem

Trusted By More Than 10,000 Global Brands

User-generated content & social media wall solutions that empower thousands of leading brands across the globe

Ready To Get Started?

Experience the #1 UGC platform to create result-driven powerful retail social wall campaigns