With a drastic boost in capitalizing social media marketing, hashtag campaigns have become an unbreakable part of it. Brands running a successful hashtag campaign can drive better engagement and spread strong brand awareness. 

Below are a few crucial aspects of the hashtag campaign explained. 

What is a Hashtag Campaign?

A hashtag campaign is a powerful tactic for businesses utilizing social media marketing to boost their brand reach and growth. These hashtags are either already trending or specifically created by the brands themselves. Thus, for businesses planning to promote their products or run a marketing campaign, hashtag campaigns should be on their to-do list. 

It is a strategy to create brand-specific hashtags for your marketing campaign.  Additionally, you need to create content that features the hashtag campaign. The primary goal of running a hashtag campaign is to bring your brand into the eyes of the targeted audience. 


The hashtags used in marketing campaigns can be used by your audience in their posts, ultimately enhancing your brand reach. It is proven that hashtag campaigns are more beneficial than any organic ad campaign. Moreover, Hashtag campaigns are a great way to share your brand’s mission with your targeted audience. 

How to Start a Hashtag Campaign?

Are you planning a hashtag campaign but don’t know where and how to start? With tools like Tagbox, it is easier than you can imagine. Here is the step-by-step process for running a successful hashtag campaign.

  • Select “Add social feeds” from the dashboard.
  • “Choose Source Network” comes with multiple options for social networking platforms. Select your preferred social network.
  • Choose hashtags from the given options and then enter the hashtag from which you want to collect content.
  • A pop-up will appear on the screen. Enter the required hashtag there, and then click on the “Create feed” button.
  • Next, customize and moderate your widget from the editorial panel. Once you are done, click on the “Publish” button. 
  • A new window will appear next with the “Hashtag campaign” option, click on that. A new option will appear “Share on social channels”.
  • You can get multiple channels to display your Hashtag Campaign. 

Landing page

  • Next, move on to the Landing page. You can adjust the widget’s dimensions and copy the embed code there. 
  • Next, paste the copied embed code into the website’s backend. After making the required changes, click on “Publish” and add the widget to your website.

Campaign URL

  • If you wish to share the hashtag campaign on any social media platform, you have to click on 4 of the social media icons that appear in the window. You can automatically copy the link. 
  • After this, your hashtag campaign will be successfully shared on preferred social media platforms. You also have the option to copy and paste the campaign URL if you wish to display it on any other platform. 

Bonus Steps

  • You can run social ads to receive the highest clicks. From moderation choose any of your posts and download the Chrome extension. Then click on “Get UGC Rights” then share your social ads after the approval. 
  • You can also display the hashtag campaign on a digital wall. To do so
    • First, click on the digital display option, click on “Try Tagbox Display”, 
    • Click on “Display”.
      Choose where you want to enter your social wall. 
    • Select your display on digital signage.
    • Finally, choose the preferred platform and click on the “Launch display” button. 

Track your Hashtag Campaign Growth with These Steps!

The Tagbox tool not only helps you run a successful hashtag campaign but also allows you to check its performance. Tracking the performance of the Hashtag campaign is a crucial step. The advanced analytics offered by the Tagbox tool allow users to monitor and understand the performance of their campaigns.

Analytics will give you information about engagement, the size of people sharing your post, and the number of feeds your hashtag campaign has reached. You can also find out how many users use or view your hashtag.