LinkedIn Analytics Tools

Explore The Best LinkedIn Analytics Tools For Maximum Content Reach

7 minute read

It’s impossible to improve without analyzing. Unless you analyze what went wrong and what went right, you cannot plan for the future, and the same is the case for LinkedIn. Analyzing the performance of your LinkedIn marketing strategies is as crucial as executing them successfully. 

One of the major roadblocks faced on the marketing journey is executing a better version of what has already been done. Brands often repeat the same strategies for years, expecting a better outcome, which is not logical. This makes analysis an even more crucial task for brands, as it facilitates them with insights to improve. One effective method for this is to use a premium LinkedIn analytics tool. These tools help a brand plan better marketing strategies on LinkedIn with the valuable insights they provide. Let’s learn about some of the best free LinkedIn analytics tools you can use to create your next marketing strategy. 

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Why Do You Need A LinkedIn Analytics Tool?

It’s essential to assess the performance of the LinkedIn marketing strategies brands use to connect with potential clients. This helps a brand improve and implement better strategies in the future. LinkedIn analytics tools provide valuable insights about LinkedIn, helping a brand understand the scope of improvement. Here are some reasons why LinkedIn analytics tools should be necessary to stand out in today’s competitive landscape.

  • More Leads: Marketing strategies created after analyzing a LinkedIn analytics tool’s insights will show better results. This helps B2B brands generate more leads that eventually drive more sales.
  • Better Understanding of the Market: The insights collected by a LinkedIn analytics tool give a deeper understanding of the market. Brands learn what their potential buyers want and where they are tending towards. This way, they can create content that appears more frequently in their LinkedIn Algorithm.  
  • Competitor Analysis: An efficient LinkedIn Analytics tool helps brands understand their competitors’ strategies. A brand can analyze what its competitors are doing and implement and plan its strategy accordingly. They can also find out what the competitors are doing right and where they are lacking.

Which LinkedIn Analytics Tool Is The Best & Why? (Mention 10+ Tools)

Till now, you must’ve understood how important LinkedIn marketing tools are for brand growth. However, choosing the tool that perfectly aligns with your requirements is a different struggle altogether. We have listed some of LinkedIn’s most effective analytics tools for you. Let’s have a look: 

1. Inlytics: 

Get real-time visual insights related to the performance of your LinkedIn content via Inlytics, a tool designed explicitly for LinkedIn. It recommends improving your profile and what you must do to improve your content marketing strategy. Get impressions, reactions, and comments to understand your progress. 

Key Features

  • Profile Improvement Recommendations
  • Access to previous data
  • Content Scheduling

Price: Starting from $12/ month. Offers a 14- Day free trial

2. SentiOne

SentiOne is known for providing insights into how people feel about content posted on LinkedIn. It can find LinkedIn content where your brand is mentioned so that you can understand the general perception in the market about your product/ service. 

Key Features:

  • Sentiment Analysis
  • Real-time Alerts
  • Competitor Analysis

Price: Starting at $300/ month with a 14- Day Free trial

3. Tagbox

Another of the best LinkedIn analytics tools is Tagbox, which helps brands collect LinkedIn posts containing particular hashtags. By knowing how many posts have been created using the hashtag, brands can determine the performance of their hashtag campaign. If they find the content good enough, they can also embed the LinkedIn feed on their website, significantly increasing the company page’s visibility on LinkedIn.

Key Features:

  • Auto- Updates
  • Content Aggregation using Hashtag, Handle, etc. 
  • Sentiment Analysis
  • Option to Embed Content on Website

Price: Starts at a Free Forever Plan. It also offers a 14-day Trial of paid features. 

4. Keyhole

Keyhole is another effective analytics tool. It features features like identifying top posts, followers, and comparisons with other social platforms. Brands can use the information provided by Keyhole to create better strategies to reach more people on LinkedIn and eventually increase conversions. Keyhole enables brands to identify the hashtags that work best for them, helping them to create an effective hashtag campaign. 

Key Features:

  • Discover top posts
  • Follower Insights
  • Social Reach Measurement

Pricing: Keyhole Offers Flexible Pricing

5. Vaizle

This popular LinkedIn analytics tool provides crucial insights, such as real-time updates on key metrics and a regular overview of organic engagement. Vaizle is known for cutting through the data clutter and creating an organized dashboard with LinkedIn page analytics. This makes marketing simpler for the brands as they can explore performance-based data using easy-to-understand insights. 

Key Features

  • Visitor Analysis
  • Review of Organic Engagement
  • Discovering Industries Engaging with LinkedIn Content

Pricing: Vaizle offers 14 Day Free Trial. The Pain Plans start at $49. 

6. Improvado

Impovado provides data from various social networks to understand the overall impact of LinkedIn campaigns. The way Impovado visualizes the insights makes understanding them easy for brands. It also allows sharing the analytics dashboard with the team to get everyone on the same page about the campaign’s progress.   

Key Features:

  •  Ads and Page Reporting
  • Collaboration with Teammates

Pricing: Not Available on the page

7. LinkedIn Page Analytics

LinkedIn Page Analytics is the official tool LinkedIn provides to analyze content performance. With this tool, brands can understand the latest trends in their industry and create their marketing strategies accordingly. 


  • Content analytics
  • Follower Analytics
  • Newsletter Analytics 

Pricing: It is a free LinkedIn Analytics tool 

8. Tagembed

Tagembed is one of the most widely used analytics tools in the market. This tool can be very effective when analyzing the performance of a hashtag campaign. It can collect all the posts made using the hashtag, which brands can even showcase on their website as a LinkedIn widget. This provides insights about the campaign and helps leverage LinkedIn content to the fullest. 

  • Sentiment Analysis
  • LinkedIn Content Aggregation 

Pricing: It has a free forever plan with Limited Features. The paid plans start at $49.

9. Report Garden

Report Garden’s LinkedIn analytics tool provides an easy way to present the interaction and performance of LinkedIn content. With this tool, brands can measure key performance indicators such as impressions, clicks, interactions, etc. The end-to-end visibility helps provide information about page engagement, follower analysis, overall performance, etc.


  • End-to-End Visibility
  • Automated and Real-time insights

Pricing: Starts at $74/ Month

10. Drum Up

Drum-up is an all-in-one social media analytics platform that provides valuable insights for various networks, such as LinkedIn, Facebook, X, etc. Brands can create their marketing strategies based on the analytics Drum Up provides, enhancing their position on LinkedIn SEO


  • Smart Filters for Deep Dive Analytics
  • Muti-Network Analytics
  • Social media reporting for accessing and working with data offline


Leveraging LinkedIn analytics tools is crucial for brands aiming to improve their marketing strategies in 2025. These tools provide valuable insights into audience engagement, competitor performance, and market trends, empowering brands to make more informed decisions. 

By choosing the right analytics tool, brands can effectively measure their success, optimize content, and ultimately drive more leads from LinkedIn. Utilizing these tools to understand LinkedIn’s Future Trends is crucial for staying ahead of the competition and maximizing its potential as a powerful marketing platform.