Improve Internal Communication in Organizations Using Social Wall

9 minute read

Consider this – 33% of employees say that lack of open & honest communication has an extremely negative impact on the morale of the employees. 

Communication is necessary for the success of every relationship irrespective of anything. The same applies to the workplace of an organization. The internal communication of a company speaks volumes about the productivity of its employees, its work culture, and the overall environment of the office. 

Organizations were constantly on a hunt for exploring new ways to improve internal communication between them and the employees until the sudden shift in technological advancements introduced them to an extremely powerful and result-driven tool – social walls. 

If you are alien to the concept of social walls and clueless about its use cases and benefits, then this blog is the guiding light and will explain to you everything about social walls and the best platforms to display them for internal communication. 

Let’s get started! 

Social Wall – What Is It & How Can It Be Useful?

Simply put, a social media wall is a collection of live or aggregated feeds fetched from all the major social media platforms including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, etc.

This real-time content is then showcased on digital signage which is placed strategically to garner more attention from the viewers, to increase engagement, and gradually improve communication. 

Internal communication Wall

There is a multitude of methods available to display social walls on digital signage. To name a few, Amazon Fire Stick, Android TV App & Google Chromecast are the best wireless solutions.

 You can also integrate social walls on digital signage by using wired solutions like an HDMI or a VGA cable.

Best Platforms For Improve Internal Communication 

Even though multiple social media platforms can work as a source to aggregate content, we have listed the two major platforms that work best for organizations and generate valuable content to be displayed on digital signage.

Use of Slack and Yammer in Social Media Walls


Many of the organizations are using Slack as their go-to messaging on the premises. Regardless of whether the organization is a startup, a two-person operation, or an established company, it can easily bring all the communication at the same time with an easy-to-use interface.

To improve internal communications within the organizations, Slack is undoubtedly an ideal solution. With the help of teaming up with Slack, you can communicate with every group in your office by displaying it in the office lobby, cafeteria, and many more. 

By displaying your collaborators’ social posts on the social media wall you put a step forward to generate a more social connection between them. Doing this will help them get in connection with more people in every office and different department. 

In addition, you can also post the pictures on a dedicated channel in Slack in a private event by animating them on your social wall. Thus in this way, the pictures will remain private and will not pop up in a social network.

There are a few other ways in which you can improve internal communication within your organization by integrating slack into digital signage – 

Call Attention to Employees’ Good Work

Every member of an organization expects some appreciation when doing a good job. Thus organizations can use this solution to display their employee’s good work. You can pick out the best examples of hard work and gain results to display to your team. Recognize your employees’ efforts with monetary rewards in addition to their monthly paycheck, ensuring to generate pay stubs online for your team.

Attention to Employees’s Good Work

Through this, you are creating an environment of what kind of work culture your organization aspires for. It alleges the team that what they are aiming for and that good and hard work doesn’t go overlooked

The #random Channel

Incorporating #Random channel is yet another of the interesting and vital features. This remarkable and tremendous feature will directly turn Slack into a fun team chat app from a tedious business messaging app.

By collaborating Taggbox Display with Slack you can easily showcase the fun of the #random channel for all to see. By displaying it onto a room’s TV screen or projecting it on a wall will let others know about the team bonding your organization shares or the prominence of a work culture you focus on. 

Abreast of doing this, you are involving the collaborators on the other side of the world to get engaged with your organization.

Team Announcements

Integrating Taggbox display with Slack you can display timely updates. In addition, you can also display up on the computer screen, TV or wall you like, as a result, this will help everyone stay in a row with all the latest announcements. 

Team Announcements

Putting a Spotlight on Team Member

This could be an addition to putting a weekly spotlight on a certain team member. Slack is an interesting business communication platform that permits you to search for all the communications with a specific person. 

This is an interesting way through which you can easily put together all the team members’ interactions during that week. These can be appraised as the best instances of their work. You can set a great example for the rest of your group by showcasing other people’s strengths in front of others.

Improve Internal Communications and Employee Engagements


Yammer is a crucial and most common name used by social networks for internal corporate communications. You can begin to broadcast your every single post on social media by adding a channel through this medium. Combine your social wall to manifest itself as the homepage on your intranet.

Improved Internal Communication

Communication network challenges can result in negative outcomes. Therefore, by collaborating Taggbox with Yammer you can keep away with disorder and information that is out of reach.  

The best way to improve internal communication with ease is by displaying valuable employee-generated content across diverse interconnected channels

Must Read: Employee Advocacy: What, Why, & How To Leverage It

Strengthening Working Connectivity

Due to different working locations, the employees in an organization many a time face communication mismanagement or communication gap. Therefore it becomes challenging to manage an external project. Integrating yammer wall on digital signage can help to remove communication gaps and the employees will work as a close-knit team. 

Team Building And Productivity

By internally communicating through the social media walls it expands the possibilities of comprehensive knowledge sharing among diverse departments, groups, or offices working across an organization. This will help to create an environment for the employees to learn more with better productivity.

By integrating Taggbox with Yammer, you can manage all your projects easily. With this, the employees can be kept updated and engaged in real-time to keep away with all the complexities and challenges they face in the workflow.

Enhanced Employee Engagement

Do not limit your communication to only a few employees in your organization. This as a result will cut down to expert opinions, creativity, or feedback from knowledgeable and skillful individuals. 

Team Building And Productivity

With the help of the Taggbox yammer wall, you can with ease enhance your employee engagement and make it more accessible to the individuals for feedback, free flow, and strategic decisions. By communicating across the organization you can get inputs from different experienced and creative minds. 

How Can Taggbox Help?

Taggbox Display is the best User-Generated Content and social media aggregation tool that enables users to collect, curate, and share content in the form of social walls across digital platforms including digital signages.

Taggbox offers multiple additional features including customization options that allow users to enhance the presence of social walls using templates, layouts, fonts, colors, and other options. The users can moderate the content by removing any unwanted and objectionable content and displaying the content of the utmost quality. 

Moreover, the performance of the social wall can be measured by getting insightful analytics and keeping track of the total impressions, overall behavioral analysis, etc. 

The platform also offers a robust back support team that assists users if they come across any technical issues or other hindrances. 

Mix Content & Display Social Walls Using The All New Taggbox Studio – 

The all-new Taggbox Display studio is a comprehensive solution that helps brands, businesses & organizations create engaging social media walls to enjoy maximum engagement from the audience, increase brand awareness, and garner more attention. 

Additionally, for increasing internal communication in your organization, you can display content such as the upcoming events calendar, reviews from clients, welcoming new joiners, channel chats, etc. 

Using the new Taggbox display studio, you can make your social media wall interesting by integrating media, weather updates, current time, videos, webpages to make the screen look more engaging. 

The Taggbox studio is surely not to be missed and offers many other brilliant features that can take the interest and engagement of your employees to a whole new level. 

Enhance Internal Communications with Taggbox-Yammer Wall


Good communication & teamwork is primary to gain the desired results that the organization aims for. Without it, nothing will work out accurately. 

A company will always receive better results when it acquires a hold on better internal communication. To simply break the barriers between your coworkers and the organization, you need to follow good internal communication within your organization.

We have concluded the blog and highly recommend you to follow the aforementioned points to significantly improve the internal communication of your organization using these best practices and the most effective strategy of including social walls! 

Free Social Wall Solution

Display live social media feeds from Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter on your social wallβ€”engage your audience like a PRO!

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social media aggregator, Tagembed

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