Social Media Event Marketing

Harnessing Social Media for Event Marketing: A 3-Step Process

13 minute read

Remember the record-breaking #IceBucketChallenge? This viral social media campaign, in which people dumped ice water on themselves to raise ALS awareness, raised over $115 million in donations. 

That’s the power of event marketing on social media.

In fact, a recent study found that 83% of event planners consider social media marketing crucial for event success.

But with so many platforms and strategies, where do you even begin? This guide is your roadmap to mastering social media event marketing!

So, ditch the bullhorns and outdated marketing tactics. Let’s dive into the world of social media event marketing and turn your next event into an epic experience with this event marketing guide.

Crafting a Winning Social Media Event Marketing Strategy: From Planning to Post-Event Success

Gone are the days of relying solely on traditional marketing channels to promote your event. Social media now reigns supreme, offering a dynamic platform to connect with your audience, fuel anticipation, and foster a thriving community around your event.

This comprehensive guide empowers you to craft a winning Social Media Event Marketing Strategy using a framework we’ve developed: The SEE-DO-SHARE Model.

This innovative model, designed specifically for social media event marketing, outlines the three crucial phases for success:

  1. SEE (Pre-Event): Capture Attention and Spark Excitement
  2. DO (During-Event): Drive Engagement and Create a Memorable Experience
  3. SHARE (Post-Event): Extend Reach and Impact

Pre-Event Social Media Strategies: (See)

Goal: Building Buzz and Securing Attendance

Before diving into the exciting world of event promotion, let’s solidify your foundation for success with pre-event social media strategies. 

Here, we’ll explore key tactics to ignite interest, attract your target audience, and drive ticket sales.

1. Identifying Your Target Audience for Social Media Event Marketing

Event marketing on social media hinges on understanding who you’re trying to reach. Create a detailed buyer persona outlining demographics, social media habits, and interests.

Knowing your audience allows you to tailor your content and messaging for maximum impact.

2. Selecting the Ideal Social Media Channel

social media platforms

Choosing the right social media channel depends on your target audience and the event theme.

  • Facebook: Ideal for broad audience events, community building, and fostering discussions.
  • Instagram: Perfect for visually appealing events, showcasing event aesthetics, and utilizing influencer marketing.
  • Twitter: Great for real-time updates, announcements, and leveraging event hashtags for conversation.
  • LinkedIn: The go-to platform for B2B events, industry conferences, and professional networking.

3. Influencer Marketing for Social Media Event Promotion

influencer marketing for social media event platform

Partnering with relevant influencers can significantly boost your event’s reach and credibility. Choose influencers who resonate with your target audience and can generate genuine excitement about your event.

4. Paid Social Media Promotions for Increased Event Reach

Strategic paid social media advertising can significantly amplify your event’s reach beyond your organic audience. 

Consider utilizing targeted ads on various platforms to reach the right people at the right time.

5. Using the Right Tools (Pre, During, and Post-Event)

The right tools empower your social media event marketing strategy. Explore platforms like Tagbox Display, specially designed for events’ success, to curate and showcase user-generated content, fostering engagement and excitement.

Tagbox Display can Uplift your Event with Engaging Social Media Walls

Imagine a live social media wall showcasing user-generated content inspired by your pre-event campaign. Tagbox Display makes this possible, incentivizing attendee participation and building anticipation before the event begins.

6. Engaging Content: Announcements, Reminders, Giveaways & Contests

Social Media Event Marketing

A well-planned content calendar is crucial.  Craft a mix of engaging content like event announcements, timely reminders, interactive contests with event-specific hashtags, and exciting giveaways to generate buzz and encourage social media activity.

7. Making Ticket Purchases Easy and Secure

Frictionless ticketing is essential.  Ensure your ticketing process is user-friendly, secure, and accessible across various devices to maximize conversions.

8. Using Scarcity to Boost Ticket Sales

Limited availability can create a sense of urgency.  Consider offering limited-time discounts or early-bird pricing to encourage faster ticket purchases.

9. Leveraging Special Guest Promo Codes

Partnering with relevant figures can attract new audiences.  Offer special guest promo codes to their followers, expanding your reach and attracting potential attendees.

By implementing these pre-event social media strategies, you’ll be well on your way to a sold-out event and a thriving online community around your event.

During The Event (Do)

Goal: Attendee’s engagement

The event is in full swing! Now’s the time to leverage the power of social media to ignite audience participation, amplify the event experience, and extend your reach beyond the physical location. 

Lets have a look at some event engagement ideas

1. Leverage Hashtags to Spark Conversation

social media marketing for events

Create a unique and memorable event hashtag and encourage attendees to use it in their social media posts.

This creates a central hub for all event-related content. Monitor the hashtag and respond to comments and questions to foster a sense of community and demonstrate responsiveness.

2. Product Demos and Videos for Live Engagement

Utilize live streaming platforms like Facebook Live or YouTube Live to showcase product demos, behind-the-scenes glimpses, or speaker presentations. 

This not only engages attendees present at the event but also extends your reach to those who couldn’t attend in person. 

Encourage attendees to share their experiences on social media using the event hashtag to create a feedback loop and further social media for event engagement.

3. Using a Social Media Wall to Showcase User-generated Content

social media wall

Consider using a social media wall platform like Tagbox Display to curate and display user-generated content (UGC) in real-time. This can include photos, videos, and tweets with your event hashtag.  Seeing their content on the social media wall can further incentivize participation and create a sense of community among attendees.

Imagine the excitement as attendees watch their tweets and photos appear on a live social media wall, transforming them from passive observers to active participants in the event’s online narrative.

4. Exploring Live Streaming Opportunities to Expand Reach

Live streaming offers fantastic opportunities to expand your event’s reach beyond the physical location. 

Platforms like Facebook Live or YouTube Live allow you to stream event sessions or speaker presentations, reaching a wider audience and maximizing the impact of your Social Media Marketing Events. 

Promote your live streams beforehand on social media to generate interest and leverage various Social Media Tactics to maximize viewership.

By implementing these strategies, you can transform your event into a social media phenomenon, fostering real-time engagement and extending the reach of your event.

Ready to take your event marketing to the next level?

Social Media Strategies/Tactics After the Event (Share)

Goal: Extending the Buzz

The event may be over, but the conversation doesn’t have to end! Here’s how you can leverage social media to capitalize on the momentum you’ve created, extend the value of your event, and  build stronger relationships with your audience:

1. Post-Event Video Recap

Create a captivating video recap of the event’s highlights, capturing the energy, key takeaways, and speaker insights. 

Share it on your social media channels to keep the buzz going and extend the impact of your social media event marketing beyond the event itself. This recap video can serve as a valuable resource for attendees and a compelling introduction for those who couldn’t attend.

2. Soliciting and Sharing Event Testimonials

Encourage attendees to share their feedback and experiences using your event hashtag.  

Positive testimonials are social proof that validates the success of your event and helps build trust for future events.  

Feature these testimonials on your social media platforms to showcase the event’s impact and strengthen your Social Media Event Marketing efforts.

3. Turning Your Event into a Compelling Blog Post

Repurpose your event content into a blog post summarizing key takeaways, speaker insights, and attendee experiences. 

Share the blog post on social media to extend the event’s reach, provide valuable content to your audience, and maximize the return on investment (ROI) of your Social Media Marketing Events.

This blog post can also serve as a lead generation tool, capturing the interest of potential attendees for future events.

4. Conducting a Post-Event Survey for Valuable Feedback

Gather valuable feedback from attendees by conducting a post-event survey.  Use the insights to improve your social media event marketing strategy for future events.  

Understanding what resonated with attendees and what areas can be improved will help you refine your approach and ensure continuous improvement in your social media event marketing efforts.

5. Creating and Sharing On-Demand Videos

Don’t let the valuable content from your event disappear! Share recordings of speaker presentations or panel discussions as on-demand videos on your social media platforms.

This provides value to those who couldn’t attend the event in person and extends the lifespan of your event content, maximizing the reach of your social media marketing events.

By implementing these post-event social media strategies, you can ensure that your event’s impact lasts long after the final curtain closes. 

You’ll not only keep your audience engaged but also gain valuable insights to make your future events even more successful.

Choosing the Right Social Media Platforms

Selecting the most effective social media platforms for your Social Media Event Marketing hinges on understanding your target audience and the platforms they frequently hang out on. Here’s a breakdown of some popular platforms and their suitability for different event types:

1. Facebook:

  • Strengths: Facebook boasts the largest user base, offering immense reach potential.
  • Ideal For: Broad audience events, community-driven events, and events with a focus on discussion and interaction.
  • Social Media Tactics: Create an event page, leverage Facebook groups for pre-event discussions, run contests and giveaways to generate buzz, and utilize Facebook Live for live-streaming event sessions.

2. Instagram:

  • Strengths: A visually-driven platform perfect for showcasing event aesthetics, behind-the-scenes glimpses, and attendee experiences through photos and short videos.
  • Ideal For: Events with a strong visual appeal (fashion shows, art exhibitions), product launches, and influencer marketing campaigns.
  • Social Media Tactics: Utilize Instagram Stories to document the event in real-time, run photo contests with your event hashtag, collaborate with relevant influencers for promotion.

3. Twitter (X):

  • Strengths: Ideal for real-time updates, event announcements, and fostering conversations using relevant hashtags.
  • Ideal For: A live twitter feed wall is ideal for conferences, industry events, events with breaking news or announcements, live tweeting speaker presentations, or Q&A sessions.
  • Social Media Tactics: Create a dedicated event hashtag, encourage live tweeting with the hashtag, host Twitter chats with speakers or attendees, and run polls and Q&A sessions to generate engagement.

4. LinkedIn:

  • Strengths: A professional networking platform ideal for B2B events, industry conferences, and career fairs.
  • Ideal For: Professional development events, workshops, and networking events for specific industries.
  • Social Media Tactics: Promote the event through company and attendee profiles, share industry-related content leading up to the event, and leverage LinkedIn groups for targeted discussions.

5. Other Platforms:

Consider platforms like YouTube for pre-recorded content or live-streaming presentations, TikTok for short, trendy video content promoting the event, or Snapchat for location-based filters and real-time event stories (if your target audience is young).

Remember: You do not always need to be on every platform. Choose the ones where your target audience is most active and tailor your content strategy accordingly.

Social Media Strategies for Online and B2B Events

While the core principles of social media event marketing remain consistent, there are some nuances to consider when it comes to online and B2B events.  

This section explores specific strategies to optimize your social media presence for these event types:

1. Engaging Content and Reminders for Online Events

Capturing and maintaining attention is crucial for online events.  Craft a content calendar packed with engaging content leading up to the event, including teasers, interviews with speakers, and interactive polls.  Utilize social media reminders to keep attendees engaged and ensure they don’t miss the event.

Pro Tip: Event Gamification for Increased Engagement

Consider incorporating gamified elements into your social media strategy.  Run contests or challenges related to the event theme, encouraging participation and keeping attendees coming back for more.

2. Utilizing Video Effectively Before, During, and After Online Events

Video is a powerful tool for online events. Pre-recorded videos introducing speakers or showcasing event highlights can generate excitement beforehand. Live streaming the event itself allows for wider participation.

Post-event video recaps and speaker interviews provide lasting value for attendees.

3. Creating a Targeted Social Media Strategy for B2B Keynote Speakers

Leverage the reach of your B2B keynote speakers. Collaborate with them to develop a pre-event social media strategy.

Encourage them to share event details and insights with their audience, expanding your reach to potential attendees within their network.

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4. Posting Strategically During B2B Event Transitions

Maintain momentum during online B2B events by strategically posting on social media during session transitions. Share key takeaways from the previous session, generate discussion with polls or Q&A prompts, and build anticipation for upcoming sessions.

5. Encouraging Vendor Social Media Participation (Giveaways)

Partner with vendors to amplify your social media reach.  Run co-branded giveaways or contests, incentivizing vendors to promote the event to their audience and generate additional buzz online.

By implementing these targeted social media strategies, you can ensure your online and B2B events are engaging, informative, and reach the right audience.

Essential Social Media Event Marketing Trends to Know

The social media landscape is constantly evolving, and successful event marketing requires staying informed about the latest trends. 

Here are some key areas to keep your eye on:

1. Exploring Augmented Reality for Engaging Experiences

event marketing trend

Augmented Reality (AR) is revolutionizing how we interact with the digital world.  Imagine attendees using an AR filter to virtually try on a product showcased at your event!  AR can create immersive and interactive experiences that set your event apart and generate excitement on social media.

2. Strategic Allocation of Time, Energy, and Budget for Social Media Marketing

Effective social media marketing requires a strategic approach.  Define clear goals, allocate resources wisely, and track your results to ensure your efforts are impactful.  Don’t be afraid to experiment with different content formats and platforms to see what resonates best with your audience.

Pro Tip: Utilizing Social Media Management Tools

Consider using social media management tools to streamline your workflow. These tools can help you schedule posts, track Social media analytics, and engage with your audience more efficiently.

3. Personalizing Posts: Meeting Audience Expectations

Today’s audiences crave personalized experiences.  Utilize social media advertising features to target your content to specific demographics and interests.  Respond to comments and messages promptly, fostering a sense of connection with your audience.

By embracing these trends, you can elevate your social media event marketing strategy and create truly memorable experiences for your audience.


This guide empowers you to craft a winning Social Media Event Marketing strategy and polish your event marketing skills.  Identify your target audience, select the right platforms, and create engaging content to drive Social Media for event engagement and attendance. 

Leverage Social Media Marketing Events trends and tools like Taggbox Display to amplify your reach.

By consistently implementing these strategies, you’ll transform social media into a powerful tool for event success. 

Ready to get started? Tagbox is your next step!

Ready to take your event marketing to the next level?