social media for event

Leverage The Power Of Social Media for Events- A Marketer’s Choice

8 minute read

The event industry has seen a shift in the past few years. In this time, social media has become a crucial part of the success of events. Earlier, the social events were limited to particular venues, but with the involvement of social media, the marketers got opportunities to expose these events across the globe. 

Social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, are getting more and more popular with time. So, the event marketers are shifting towards these platforms to promote the events. Marketing the events through social media is very dynamic, you can promote a business event as much as a music festival. 

Try going with the techniques explained below. You can become a pro in social media event marketing with these techniques. 

Use Social Media for Pre-Event

You can fully leverage the power of social media by generating a buzz amongst the target audience about the event. The excitement you build up among the people on social media pre-event directly impacts the success of your event. 

Following are the tips you can use to develop excitement among the target audience while promoting your event.

1. Create Your Event Dedicated Social Media Pages

Event pages help you to spread awareness about your event, its base of existence, and other interesting facts about it. 

social media event page

Multiple social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and more are available. You can choose the suitable one and create your event page there.

2. Promote Your Hashtag On Social Media

Hashtags are a crucial part of social media as it helps brands to increase their organic reach and promotion strategies. To promote an event-specific hashtag, first of all, ensure that your hashtag is memorable and unique. Keep the hashtag short and clear.

promote hashtag on social media

Your audience should get a clear message of what your event is all about just by seeing your hashtag. For the best hashtag, do your research and set the tone of your hashtag right.

3. Highlight Special Guests and Famous Personalities 

Get pre-confirmation of famous personalities like celebrities, authors, speakers who will be a part of your event. Do not forget to update about such people on your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram pages, and on the event website as well.

It will help you to create excitement and boost event attendance as all the loyal fans will urge to get in touch with their favourite person.

4. Use Word-of-Mouth (WOM) Marketing On Social Media

You can use recommendations and referrals to spread word-of-mouth on social media platforms. Social media and word-of-mouth are two separate event marketing strategies. Combining these two can give you amazing results. 

There are multiple ways you can use WOM on social media. Like, by leveraging User-Generated Content, collaborating with influencers, and showing off the brand through your employees.

5. Generate Excitement

Generating excitement is not a one-time job. You need to keep doing it till your event ends. For this, make it your priority to keep regularly posting images, videos relating to your event on this page. 

Generate Excitement

When you do it consistently, the people following the page will continuously feel your presence online, and it will generate more buzz. Adding on, you must be cautious and active in replying to all the queries and post comments.

6. Paid Advertisement On Social Media

You may feel that paid advertisements can cost you a lot, but in reality, it is not the case. When you start getting returns on paid advertisements, you start feeling the worth of investing in paid advertising. 

Paid advertisements are budget-friendly and good for reaching a wider audience because it helps you to enhance your targeting base on social media channels. It increases brand awareness and gathers relevant event marketing insights. 

Role Of Social Media During The Event

1. Post Ongoing Event’s Photos & Videos

Whether it is a one-day event or more, pictures/videos of ongoing sessions must be continuously shared online through social media. When you consistently upload the ongoing event’s images and videos, it boosts engagement. It also updates the people who have failed to attend the event.


You can encourage the visitors too to upload on-going event images or videos on various social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, etc. from their accounts. You can ask the users to use event dedicated #tag with the post which can eventually lead to the trending of the event on social media. 

2. Using Social Walls in Event

Who doesn’t like his/her picture being visible on big screens in an event? The use of social media wall for events is gaining much popularity these days. People can upload images on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc. with a dedicated #tag.

social media wall for events

Once they have posted all their content on social media, you can easily aggregate all the content available on your hashtag by using a social wall software like Taggbox. It will aggregate all the feeds and display them on-screen with beautiful themes and animations. The social media display wall is an amazing tool to increase event engagements and brand trust among the audience!

3. Encourage Event Attendees To Direct Post On Social Wall 

A social wall is the best way to display user-generated content from different social media platforms on one screen. When you create a social wall, you take the content posted by your attendees and display it on the social wall. What if you let them do it directly?

private post upload

You can encourage the attendees to create content and post it directly on the wall using the SnapUp. Attendees can scan the QR code on the social wall and upload their posts. It will give them more confidence and make them more engaged. 

Display Real Time Social Content In Your Next Event

Use The Social Media After The Event

Post promotions play an important role for event organizers as they need current visitors to come back and bring new crowds too. 

Discussed below, best ways to keep an event alive in the minds of people using various social media techniques.

1. Post Spell-Bounding Aftermovie On Social Media

The human mind has the tendency of retaining aesthetically appealing visuals for a long time. Creating an event AFTERMOVIE that has beautiful visuals, great music is the best way to create an everlasting impact on the minds of people.

after event movie on social media channels

 TomorrowLand 2015 official after the movie is the best example of mind-blowing & captivating after the movie.

2. Display Attendee’s Feedback On Event Page

Taking feedback from the attendees always makes them feel valued. When you take their feedback, they feel that their opinion matters to you, suppose when you display it on the event page, it will drive them crazy. 

social media wall on website

Provide a feedback section on the social media page of the event and make sure to respond to each feedback on time. It will help you gain a loyal audience.

3. Give Glimpse of Your Next Event

It is said “Curiosity is the lust of the mind”, we couldn’t agree more. Make your followers curious and more eager by giving little hints or what’s going to happen in the next event by posting on social media pages.

Create an everlasting impact on people through social media by using these tips and thus saving time and money.

Bonus Tip – Display Collected UGC from Attendees On Your Company’s Website or Digital Screens

create a social media wall

Suppose you have finished your event successfully, and now you want to share the happiness with your audience. A social wall is the best tool to use here. Aggregate all the content your attendees have posted on social media pre and during and after the event.

Customize and moderate this content with Taggbox and showcase it through the social wall on your business website or office digital screens. It will help to boost trust on the website and make you look more authentic.

Display Real Time Social Content In Your Next Event


Social media is a powerful strategy to ensure the success of your event, you only need to plan and implement things correctly. Now, you have ideas about how to leverage the power of social media for events. 

Get up and act! Experiment with the techniques you have just learned. You will notice your events elevating towards success. The engagement level will boost up, and your exposure will increase, everything with using social media. 

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