Use of Social Media Wall and Hub for Schools, College and Universities

6 minute read

The World Without Social Media

Let’s begin with traveling back in time. Return to the time when you were in your school or your university. How did your school or university flow the information out amongst the students & the staff in the yester years? Do you recollect circulars all juxtaposed on each other on the notice boards & the proximate area swarming with people to catch a glimpse of it?


notice board

That’s a decade and a half back. Revolutionize technically. We are pulling you out of that time frame & transporting you to the Social media, Social Wall & Social hubs world. It makes things available to you right on your screens.
Digital signage, social wall providers and more.

What’s the next event that your school is planning? Examinations postponed? Cultural festival of the university is trending & people are #hash tagging it & going live crazily.

Mount onto the social ride already.

Also Read: Tips to create amazing School Digital Signage

Gear Up For The Social Ride – Social Media Wall & Social Media Aggregator


Aggregate the web feeds of social posts from multifarious social media websites such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram and cumulatively displays them on a digital space – that’s how you’re creating a social wall, alias a social media wall or a social wall provider.

Also Read: Benefits of using a Social Media Aggregator

How And What Does A Social Wall Do

Social media displays make explicit and extensive use of hashtags present-day. Posts are filtered rigorously after which they are channeled to the display of your social media wall which then showcases the content.

One can make use of content that’s patently created under them or can make use of user-generated content, UGC. User generated content allows the audience to feel like a part of the social campaigns. Their contribution can be acknowledged. Content can also be pulled from the web pages of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, etc. and be displayed all in one place in a novel manner.

How Social Media Help Schools And Universities


1. Social wall – Brand wall

Universities & schools are setting in motion to adopt the usage of social media walls as they intend to boost the creation & retention of their patrons. Integration of Social media hubs at schools & universities are worked upon extensively to bridge the gap between the conventional classroom & the avant-garde classrooms. Social media assists academic institutions in developing a communal sense and also create brand awareness amongst the target group.

Also Read: What is a Social Media Wall?

2. Campaigning and #hashtagging

Schools and universities now step up andΒ develop highly engaging social media campaignsΒ on their social media channels. These campaigns develop a hashtag that is unique to them and that’s what lets people connect and enjoy. Institutions employ a social aggregatorΒ that brings everything together under one roof. These aggregators serve as an enhanced front for their social media activities. Social media walls are simply a hub to connect and keep people posted, from prospective to current students to alumni and also the staff.

3. Recruitments

social school

The crème de la crème of the prospective students & staff is what schools & universities look out for to bring them on board. Hence, around-the-clock marketing via Social Wall software & digital signage takes place by them. Parents, alumni & subsisting staff are not bereft of this too. A communal vibe is aimed at & is established amongst all these folks.

School & universities are like the lower berths in a train where the maximum activity takes place. Hustle, bustle, motion & commotion. A great magnitude of information is floated in educational spaces & we are not limiting ourselves to the classrooms when we say that. It’s the commotion that takes place outside the learning room.

  • Lunch menu at the university.
  • Cultural event itinerary.
  • Sports week.
  • Fest & happenings.
  • Excursions.
  • Guest lectures.
  • Exchange programs.
  • Scholarships.
  • Talent hunt program.

Also Read: How to Create Successful Hashtag Campaigns for Social media marketing

Strategize, Analyse and Then Socialize

Startup Stock Photos

Students & staff wish to know everything. Everything.

Schools & universities when signing up for the social wall software’s must strategize themselves in the best possible manner, practice prudence on all their social media channels, and consider the integration of augmented reality in education.
Do keep in mind – nobody wishes to be flooded with information. Keep it simple, crisp & updated.

Social walls have been seen to have given a sweet harvest. Statistically speaking:

  • Social media hubs allow the viewers to come back for content & information that’s real-time.
  • These walls are highly influential which creates a direct impact on the reader’s mind. Interactive content in the form of images & videos is so gripping, that the user for once does not think about stepping back.
  • Digital signage and social walls save the money that goes into printing. Remarkably. At the end of the event, these paper prints only go to the bin.
  • Social media displays are vivid & not livid. They’re hard to be passed on. They’re eye-catchy, luring and undoubtedly informative.
  • The twenty-first-century student is glued to the digital world. Screens are what they turn to for accumulating data. Students connect that way today.

Summing Up And Signing Off

An exceeding number of universities and colleges are opening up to the use of social media, hashtag campaigns and social media walls, as a way to put themselves out in the market and also as a brand to communicate with their followers.

Hence, social media walls and aggregator software and also digital signages are an attempt to use all the screens that are at bay to advertise about your school or your university’s social feeds which in turn informs the target group about the current happenings in the institution.

You can also undertake our 7-day free trial now for our social media aggregator tool Taggbox.

Also Read: How Corporates & NGOs Use Social Media to Fulfill CSR

Free Social Media Aggregator

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