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    How Social Walls can help Hospitality Industry to Engage More Guests

    4 minute read

    In the hospitality industry, the guest experience is the key role to get success. So it is good to give complete comfort to your guests with the best stay, travel guide, food, and services. If guests don’t enjoy your busboy services or the meal than it will decrease the chances of your hotel success. Because they will share their hotel’s experiences on social media and those kinds of feedbacks and reviews can harm your hotel reputation.

    Tick placed in a new hand written "the worst" checkbox on customer service satisfaction survey form

    It’s not a secret that with technology, guests can ruin your hotel’s reputation so easily, everyone has a social media presence and they share their experiences there whether Sterling or unpleasing. It is highly prevalent that people checking-in at a hotel or posting about their lunch or dinner locations and sharing their experiences and writing reviews bravely.

    Coming to the good side- hotels and hoteliers can benefit substantially from positive user-generated content from their visitors. Adopting user-generated content to be displayed using social aggregators in hotel premises, hotel events and hotel’s social media accounts can leverage lead generation, augment marketing and enhance guest engagement.


    Drive positive content towards scaling the hotel’s revenue and attracting more business and customers thereby. Enter social media walls for hotels

    Twitter Review

    Social media walls or social network walls are hashtag walls that aggregate posts from social media channels where the talk is around a particular hashtag or a brand. These extracted posts can be displayed on live social wall displays at events, on websites and more.

    1. Put User Generated Content to Good Use

    social wall at hotel

    Social media walls can be displayed in hotel lobby area or rooms and suites to promote pictures and posts that hotel guests are sharing to the brand’s channel. Instagram photos or Twitter tweets about the hotel from previous guests can be displayed on live social media walls to get the new guests excited.

    People can get to know about previous customer’s experience, what’s the best to order at the hotel and the likes. New guests will take an initiative to contribute their experience and reviews for the joy of having a wall of fame on the live social media wall of the hotel.

    2. Authentic Content Interests Potential Customers


    People who seek the hotel’s website for making reservations largely shape their opinion on the reviews and recommendations from previous guests. Making use of a social media wall on a website, hotels can benefit with user-generated content and display positive reviews from guests on the website. This leads to an increase in conversions when people are making bookings for the hotel by viewing authentic content.

    Yelp Review for Restaurants

    Instagram posts by previous customers enjoying the pool or savoring their meals can also be used on the live social wall of the hotel. Updates from the Facebook page of the hotel can be pulled and be embedded on the hotel website. For example, hotels can embed the social wall on the reservations page or the checkout page etc. to grab maximum attention.

    3. Generate Revenue by Lending your Social Wall to Events and Sponsored ADS

    It’s known that hotels are convening venues for brand events, conferences, product launches, campaigns, fundraiser programs etc. Apart from these, hotels are also the site for weddings.

    social media walls for hospitality industry

    During any of these mentioned events, hotels can lend a social wall to brands and extract the most out of their social feed walls. This can be considered as an added service from the hotel’s side. Guests, of course, will be in awe of the social wall and the brand can look back on memories, experiences, feedback and more of their event. A digital signage or a projector or a screen will be the minimal requirements and you’re good to go.

    Also Read: How to Display Social Media Feeds on Digital Signage

    Brands can go ahead and give space to local businesses who desire to put their custom sponsored advertisement on the social media wall of the hotel in the discharge of a fee. Local businesses may wish to secure some customers from the nearby hotel borrowing some limelight from there. By lending the hotel’s social media wall, the hotel gains additional revenue.

    Is your hotel advantaging from a live social media feed wall already? Tell us in the comments below how your hotel is putting its social feed wall to good use.